And you can get your first Nextstep exam for free! However, since we will be using NextStep exams to supplement the AAMC exams you should only purchase the first four exams (this will cost around $100 dollars). There are a total of 10 NextStep exams available for purchase. However, the difficulty of some NextStep exams can be harder than that of the Actual MCAT exam – I see this as a plus. The content, wording, and figures of NextStep exams are much like the real thing. Additionally, if you’re looking for some more practice questions, UWorld is a great resource. In my experience, the most representative practice tests come from NextStep and the AAMC. What practice exams should I take? Here’s our recommendations for the best MCAT practice exams. Therefore, you should avoid practice exams that are too content heavy. Instead, the MCAT will weave the material into passages, and you will have to apply your knowledge while analyzing figures to arrive at the correct result. The MCAT is unlikely to blatantly ask you about the material in a direct question-answer format. To understand why this is important, it’s important to talk about the question format on the MCAT.

When you sit down in front of the computer on your exam day you want everything to be familiar – no surprises here.

The similarity to the real MCAT is the key indicator of a stellar practice exam. Your study time is limited, and you shouldn’t waste 8 hours of that time on a practice exam that is not going to prepare you for exam day. Learn More What should I look for in a practice exam? Look for similarity to the real MCAT in a practice exam. See how Pixorize can help you prepare for the MCAT: